“Let’s start at the very beginning, it’s a very good place to start”

– Julie Andrews, Sound of Music

How lennonharperdesigns.com was re-born, re-imagined and re-launched! 

Let’s go back to last year, maybe February/March or so. I remember walking into this really beautiful, but underutilized room in our 1780’s farmhouse that overlooked the entire acre-backyard we have and said to myself “self, this room has not seen or felt its true purpose yet”. Every other room in our house had. The kitchen. The dining room. Family room. Bathrooms, bedrooms, etc. But this small room, boasting several huge windows (with three, count ‘em, three sets of French doors that open up those windows) had been used as a catch all for boxes when we first arrived, then a yoga studio for about 3 days, and ultimately a second guest room with a small daybed and still many of the leftover boxes, bedding, and other junk you ultimately have when you move. But wait, we moved into this house 4 years ago so it was definitely time to do the right thing and find this rooms true authentic purpose. A revelation of sorts was happening, although it did mean getting even more boxes out of the attic that had been collecting dust since April of 2016.

I had a sudden rush of adrenaline and energy (it happens to the best of us but when it happens to me my family literally peel off aka leave the house aka run for the hills….because they know what’s coming. Typically, a very big project.


Boxes come out. Digging begins. Excitement ensues. Adrenaline races. Designs begin to unfold in my overloading sensory brain. Within a remarkably short period of time, I’m set up in this fabulously light-infused room with an old rolltop desk, milk crates stacked on top of one another like shelves, bins and bins of buttons, brooches, baubles and bits begin to spill out everywhere. It’s like an explosion of happy and love and joy and art and design. Meanwhile, I think even the dogs wanted to run for the hills…..I must have designed and created 50 new necklaces when I finally forced myself to slow down.

Slow down? Actually, I forced myself to stop completely. I knew I wanted to do this right. I had waited too long to just begin playing around again with design and creation without a purpose. A plan. So, although I had a lot of fun for a few days dreaming up ideas, new patterns, mixed metals, color schemes, etc. I knew I was going to find the right team of people who could help support the art and creation I had in my little brain with strategy, purpose, and a plan.

In comes an amazing digital media/marketing expert friend named Stephanie Schuyler, of Calyer Designs. She helped me understand the importance of the care and simplicity one must take when marketing a custom jewelry brand. A logo followed, then marketing materials, and packaging. Soon enough we were staging and taking tons of photos, but realized that while Stephanie is awesome at marketing, she’s not yet a professional photographer (nor am i). This is where Leila Sutton Photography and Kari Bjorn enter. More weekend photo shoots and lots and lots of education on how to stage a piece of jewelry, how to style it, where to stand, lights, shadows, the whole nine! Talk about overwhelming.

I also knew that I needed to understand much more about how to market my jewelry I love so much and feel like others would too. But wait, what if they don’t? The vulnerability and fear definitely gripped me (and still does) but I took lots deep breaths and baby steps and continued to pursue the experts that I knew I needed at this stage. This is when the one and only female entrepreneur guru, Sabina Hitchen, entered and forever changed my life. She has given me confidence, strength and above all, education, on what it means to build and promote a small business…..and when you don’t feel like you’ve got it or can continue to push, she shows you and tells you why you’re wrong. And the beautiful, messy grind continues!

And finally, we were ready for a full-blown, updated, polished and poised website! This is one small milestone in a pile of boulders and rocks that lie ahead but I’m thrilled you’re here with us and appreciate the love and support. I can’t wait to show you much more and bring you along for the ride.


We’re having a Heat Wave


The Swisher-Anderson Family